Saturday, 23 April 2011


Hey everyone, I just wanted to update you on why I've been so quiet recently. Basically apart from a brief trip to India, I've been dedicating every bit of time possible to a new project that's launching this summer. The project is called flup (short for follow up with me) and it's an online system that helps you swap contact details safely and easily, and arrange follow ups (we call it a flup).

The project is very much a 'scratch my own itch' type project. For years I've been going to meet-ups and conferences, meeting great people, swapping business cards but then failing to follow-up, add them to my network or build real relationships. Who knows what opportunities I may have missed! I always believed that following-up could and should be easier. flup is an attempt to solve this problem for myself and anyone else who wants to get more from their own personal and business networking.

We made a conscious decision not to talk about before we had 80% of the system built, so we've been busy designing and coding away using tools like Ruby on Rails, Compass and HTML 5 and now it's almost ready.

I need your help...

We're about to go into beta-testing of the system and we're currently allowing people to reserve a unique personal address like mine which is If you're interested in getting your own name (they seem to be going fairly fast) or want to help beta-test then you can do so here

There's also a Twitter feed @flup that you can follow and a flup Facebook page that you can Like if you want to hear more about the business as it develops.

I hope to write more about how we generated the idea, gathered a team and brought the business to life over the next few weeks, but if you have any questions then feel free to leave a comment.

All the best,